Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bowed Trees

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

I have no clue who ever started the theory of bowed tree's being a Bigfoot phenomena....... doesn't really matter all that much with the exception of it being totally false and misinformation being spread....

Humans and Rocks

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

Recent find in a closed camp ground while hiking around the lake. I had been here a week earlier and these rocks were not on the tables and the tennis ball between the two rocks on the stump was not there....

Wood Knock Recording

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

This is a recording I made of a wood knock back in May 2008 while hiking in a Big Game Winter Management Area. I had been walking and absentmindedly hitting my walking stick off rocks when I noted that ...

Wood Knock Recording

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

This is a recording I made of a wood knock back in May 2008 while hiking in a Big Game Winter Management Area. I had been walking and absentmindedly hitting my walking stick off rocks when I noted that ...

Tepee Formations & Weather

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

In regards to showing the full facts concerning pictures on this blog of a very large tepee formation I found, it was a natural weather occurrence. This video shows the amount of downfall and how the tree'...

Hidden Gems

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

Found this while hiking. The structure was naturally camouflaged.
It was midway up a very steep slope and it was built into the slope.
The path was narrow and angled which made walking a challenge. The

Stick Structures & Sweat Lodges

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

In the November 2008 Issue of: The North Columbia Monthly, an author named Jack Nisbet wrote an article on Purifying Vapours, a story about David Thompson's impression of the Sweat Lodges and the purificat...

(I'm going to continue to post snippets that showed up on my Dashboard although the full articles don't seem to be have been cached. They should at least jog memories and hopefully some of the full articles have been saved somewhere and can be posted later. - Lu)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Considering An Alternate Explanation for Wood Knocks

Posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 9 months ago

Recently while hiking in a hidden meadow (swampy area) between ridges in a valley I encountered a very fresh Cougar Scat. This type of find puts me on a higher alertness, especially when in an area where the grass and brush obscures vision.

In this meadow there is a wide meandering shallow creek (which makes it swampy) and I enjoy going to some of the muddy areas to look for tracks.

After taking note of the scat and continuing forward on my way, I was alerted several minutes later to a very loud sound of wood on wood "Thwack".

I stopped to listen as I interpreted the sound as humans in the area, waiting for chainsaw start up, people talking, an axe hitting wood etc. I sat on a large old cedar stump and waited for approximately 20 minutes for any other sound. Nothing.

When this wood on wood sound happened, my dog alerted to it and also began to go in the specific direction (in the treeline) to check it out and turned back half way there.

I began to think on that distinct sound, it was a beautiful full wood on wood solid "Thwack". I had noted in my many hikes with my dog the sound he makes when walking along downfall and jumping to the ground, on occasion, the wood would lift and settle back creating a wood on wood thwack. I too create this phenomena when changing from walking on downfall trees to the ground.

I got to thinking about the Cougar, the one who left fresh scat, it was marking it's territory and presence in the area as a warning - that much was clear.

The fact that me and the dog continued to work our way into the meadow and the high possibility the Cougar was sitting on an elevated vantage point to see us (from the tree line) could have caused that Cat to jump from it's perch releasing pressure on the wood that it was more than likely sitting on (no rocks or outcroppings) as we approached closer to where it was hiding.

If you have ever watched a house cat or even lucky enough to watch a Cougar in the wild, you will note they kick off with their rear legs when jumping down.

Noting the sounds me and the dog make out there in areas where we have plenty of ground debris as well as lots of downfall laying over each other and partially against standing timber, gives a great deal of pause for thought when considering the sounds of wood on wood while in "The Woods".

There is a much higher probability of a Cougar jumping from a vantage point making the sound we heard over the probability that a Bigfoot was sounding a warning of our presence. The Scat helped shape the theory, the knowledge that our hikes have created similar sounds when the pressure of our weight is removed from an unstable wood object tends to sway me towards common animals including humans making the sounds attributed to Bigfoot.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bears, Beds and Dens

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

Listening to a recent podcast the discussion of bedding and structures....... the same old tired line that it wasn't built by humans or animals because there were no tracks. Why is it that people make clai...

(Ho hum.)

Let's Talk About Scat

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

It never fails to amaze me that people ask about Scat. There are so many pictures on the Net when it comes to scat. Really, there is no excuse for lack of knowledge about Scat finds.

(Same here.)

Rocks, Rocks and More Rock Stories: The Claims That Bigfoot Stacks Rocks

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 8 months ago

The discussions concerning Bigfoot and stacking rocks is a futile argument, about as futile as marking their way with sticks and trees. Rock stacking is a time honored tradition from the ancient (fences, ...

(Same here. If I were paranoid I'd think the hacker or hackers got Google. - Lu)


posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 9 months ago

Over the years it has been presented as Bigfoot evidence, the phenomena called TREE BREAKS & TWISTS. I can not imagine why people continue to tout this as a BF phenomena when in fact the possibility tha...

(This one too wasn't cached. Steph?)

Nothing To Be Gained By Lying?

posted by Steph at SKOOKUM QWEST - 9 months ago

The tired old statement of witnesses having nothing to gain by lying, is really tiring. Your children lie to you, your spouse lies to you, your parents lie to you, your government lies to you, you lie to...

(This post doesn't seem to be cached. Hopefully Steph will rewrite it in time. - Lu)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bigfoot and Bears - Is Evidence Conflicting?

Many websites and discussion forums present information from their membership within their pages and posts that are by and large claimed as evidence of the presence of Bigfoot. Dissemination of information as taken by a membership as factual is a huge disservice to those looking for “factual” information concerning this topic and the evidence presented when in the most simple of terms is not evidence of Bigfoot but evidence of a common animal such as Black Bear.

Mainly, many are discouraged from challenging this “evidence” as presented and as such, is left as is, thus implying an acceptance that it is, in fact, “evidence” of Bigfoot activity.

It has been my experience that the large majority of evidence presented is “misidentification” of common animals within the area of such claims. As such, it appears that many presenting such claims of said evidence are not knowledgeable about the area’s in question, nor do they understand the common and not so common animals present, let alone the common and not so common behaviors of these “Known” animals. In all essence it appears that people that call themselves “Researchers”, do very little if any actual “Research”, and present findings from short jaunts into area’s with which they are somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar concerning the common animals found there and to further expound, do little if any investigation outside of the perimeter of the so called find(s) to determine what animals have been present in the area.

I have found personally that I am unable to stand by and see this occur without presenting to the best of my ability, evidence of one common animal to most of the United States; the “Black Bear”. When discussing the power and size of items presented as Bigfoot evidence, it is without a doubt, the most common heard dissertation, it wasn’t a bear. How does the presenter factually know that? How much background work has been done to ensure by no shadow of a doubt that the so called “Bigfoot” evidence submitted was not simply a common Black Bear.

Many have presented evidence of Tracks that by all definitions are simply ungulate or bovine slide marks, scuffs in the ground, double steps by other animals and bear, and really are simply rain/weather produced water run off collection areas. I live in a high black bear population area and in the last 20 years have found numerous (too many to count) bear scats and yet, in almost all scat finds there are generally NO bear tracks. Hundreds of bears, thousands of scats and a handful of Black Bear Tracks.

The substrate must be conducive to tracks. The Black Bear has large padded feet that distribute it’s weight and in all regards could be implied to another animal such as a “Bigfoot” in terms of soft padding of significant size, weight distribution and a simple lack of leaving tracks unless in specific types of substrates such as: dusty soft road surfaces, sand and mud. In the pictures below of Bear Tracks (taken by myself 2008), you can see if you care to look, that bear double step, bear leave hair on tree’s and they also leave sign of hair around their track impression, bear leave claw marks (not always as evident) and bears have ridges and scars evident in their tracks.

Rumors & Rumor Mongers

Recently it was drawn to my attention that a character on a Bigfoot Forum that I had no affiliation with was discussing me and my business. I found it amusing that the person posting as "Boogums" was no one I knew or knew of by this screen name.

The information this person was posting was absolutely ridiculous and had no basis in reality. If this person was so concerned about my business, why didn't they just try and contact me personally?

What I found even more amusing was the fact that this person "Boogums" was relating information from a third-party who heard it from another party who were all reliable sources. Boogums, if you read this, your sources are not reliable and they are without a doubt, lying to you and to others. Always consider the source, the original is best.

Boogums also related that "I" was conveying this information through Internet Messaging, oddly enough, I never use any of the IM services nor do I care to. So you won't find me communicating by Internet Messaging Services now or any time in the future.

Boogums related that I was discussing "my complaints" with some Independent Researchers on IM......... I'm sorry, but I talk to less than a hand full of people about the subject of Bigfootery and I know the people I chat with well enough to without a doubt tell you, they don't use IM that I am aware of, nor do they appear to be rumor spreaders. The complaints as listed by Boogums were purely factless and no truth in them.

Issues like this caused me to withdraw from discussions with others on this subject. The absolute KOOKS out there who have nothing better in life to do then to:

Make up stories and the stories get ever more exciting for each new posting.

Jump on the Rumor Band Wagons and Spread Rumors.

Spread Misinformation on the subject of Bigfoot (of which nothing is known).

Challenge others credibility to cover for their own lack of such.

Think Bigfoot hangs out all over in the woods everywhere and all mysterious (to them) sounds, foliage breakage, shadows, stumps and dirt scuffs are Bigfoot related.

Post BS to forums knowing full well they are making up the info in their posts because "I conclude", they are strictly some very sorry sad people looking for attention where ever they can get it.

Say they have constant interaction with Bigfoot and can call them in (okay, any proof? No, didn't think so).

Boogums also related that "I" had some form of stance on No Kill/Pro Kill from these so called sources. It would seem from this clue that it could only come from the camp of the kooks who run around the net like "chicken little" all up in arms about killing a Bigfoot.......... I'm definitely for presenting a body to science to classify a unknown to date species and Kudos to the person who can provide such. As to me personally, I don't kill anything that doesn't threaten me with imminent death, it's as simple as that.

I have a word for all this crap that people spread, it's called FLUFF. It has no basis in facts, science or knowledge of a subject. It's filler to use as posting material on some website or discussion forum.

I personally left the one and only group of Bigfooters I belonged to for "one" year because I disagreed with the Mission of the Group, nothing to do with No Kill or Pro Kill, just that my standards did not fit theirs. Simple really, I was not in agreement and thus, I was able to walk away and go about my business on my own. Nothing sinister or deserving of rumor there.

I tend to not care for those who run around bad mouthing others. I find it childish and elementary. I do not care for rumors and rumor mongers. The so called "Bigfoot Community" is rife with these characters and their incessant desire to spread BS/Discord.

So as to that, my business is my business, whom I chose to share it with, is whom I chose to share it with and it will not entail the use of discussion forums or Internet messengers, but private conversations of a carefully select few who use LOGIC where this subject of Bigfootery is concerned.

So to those who want to spread rumors, be deceitful, play games, hide behind screen names, write lies, misinform the gullible and feud over this subject -- HAVE AT IT -- if you think the people with brains that use them don't notice your idiocy then continue on with your drama filled lives and a one finger salute to ya.


Here is the text of this "Boogums" questions and comments on the Bigfoot Forum concerning me with names and orgs removed - to give context - I have removed the Orgs and Names from these quotes as they should not be involved in someone spreading rumors - because "Boogums" is directly related to rumor mongering, this poster is being named as should be - it's time to call out those who spread disinformation and rumor, whose soul purpose is to create division behind a screen name:

I would like to have (removed) answer this question, as it plays into the no kill-pro kill argument. I would like to know what happened with an (removed) member named waskookum, because alledgedly this person was "befriended" by a few members pretending to no kill in order to gain access to her research area. This was done, if this accurate, under false pretense and raises a sticky whicket for this research group.

Actually to be clear, the accusations come indirectly from her, through people she's spoken with privately, people I know and trust. She left because she felt wronged is the version that seems likley given the sources. I am attacking you, (removed) or anyone in asking this mind you, you're not the ones being implicated, she didn't actually name names, but the wording of what she felt happened is quite specific, and it wasn't the first time I've heard this. I heard a similar version from someone within your own group. You might bear that in mind, and no I won't name names.

Sorry (removed),But this is not intended as an atatck on (removed). I would actually like to see him deal with favorably for the sake of the good intentioned folks in his group, like Waskskookum, (removed) and others. The people involved were not named so I don't know who they are but I do trust the people who told me this. I would hope (removed) would address it.

check your pms

Well, If I'm out, I'm out, but I never said I spoke for Washskookum, but the way thing were presented, it raised questions about how a major research conducts business and all I did was give it's leader to deal with favorable in public as something like this should be dealt with in public. I'll drop it because you obviously don't want to deal with it. But sometimes it's about getting at the truth, it's not always petty feuds. Moving on.


I want you to know this is not an attack on you or your group, I feel you should know this is being said and have a chance to rectify it publically. The information I'm talking about came up in IM conversation with two independent researchers who have spoken to washskookum in IM, and mentioned first she had been mauled on the (removed) by the usual nasties there, but also that she had left your group after having a couple of members befriend claiming to be no kill, but apparently lied to her. It came sounding like they were members local to her area, but I could be wrong.




Saturday, July 25, 2009


From Steph:

Recently, a team of Bigfoot Buddies (Field Investigators) released some recordings from Michigan where they had gathered for the past 5 years in an effort to document the possibility of Bigfoot’s existence on private land. The documentation for amateurs was well done as to their claimed experiences. The initial announcement was on the BFF and the response was overall many members being positive about this groups integrity and the quality of the documentation and recordings.

The Michigan group tried to distance themselves from making outright Bigfoot claims in their documentation, yet, within their written replies and commentary otherwise, they allude to Bigfoot activity and sightings. I’m sure this confuses many people.

The Michigan group has also been forthright in their belief that it is not fully impossible that they could have been victims of hoaxery, regardless that they feel it’s on the high end of impossible (note: nothing is impossible). The group also has the courage to confront the sounds and make their way towards them to ensure that if there were humans present trying to hoax them, they would surely be caught.

In my opinion, it’s good work, they do what they can under the circumstances, they are only human and they can’t have all the answers on how to do things perfectly, otherwise, Bigfoot would be found and cataloged. It is also my opinion that the recordings are questionable and within the range of what could be possible for Northern Michigan Fauna, let alone, that no matter how nice and honest a person might seem, there are people out there that are rotten to the core but project angelic images to the public (note: just look at politicians). Never trust people fully in these circumstances. I feel the Michigan Group has made it clear that they have not fully ruled out the landowner and his family as 100% honest and reliable witnesses and excluded them as possible accessories to hoaxing.

The Michigan Group is trying to answer all questions about their recordings and the events surrounding the recordings at the BFF and on their own forum website Bigfoot Discussions.

What I find to be distasteful in respect to these recordings, regardless of what they truly are, is the common attack dog mode being found on other websites. A good example of a whole lot of commentary with little to no factual backup of the disbelievers claims is the honest lack of contacting or participating in an adult discussion with the Michigan Group to better understand or facilitate open discussion regardless of belief or disbelief. The worst example of a Bigfootery Flogging is on the “Searching For Bigfoot Discussion Forum”.

The blatant I hate those people is so obvious and is exactly the type of childish behavior that makes this field of interest a joke to those in the scientific community. Due to personality clashes or retribution for assumed wrongs done to each other, instead of taking the recordings as information to be analyzed and discussed, the “I hate those people, haters”, instead, go on an all out feeding frenzy against the personalities associated with the Michigan Group instead of taking the claims of possible evidence and dealing strictly with such.

This school yard behavior is sickening. Personally, I don’t care one iota about your personality issues or the wrongs you felt were done against you by the associates of this group. It comes down to these recordings. I don’t care about peoples personal feelings on integrity of the Michigan Group Membership, I could care about the evidence they are presenting as the possibility of Bigfoot Activity with vocalizations and behaviors they have captured while conducting so called field research. I am not going to give them a free pass because I have chatted with them online for years or whatever, they are in the field with a specific BIAS: to see, hear, experience Bigfoot from the perspective of a witness(s) proclaiming activity in said area.

On the “Searching for Bigfoot Discussion Forum” even Billy Willard made childish comments, I’d expect better than that from a fellow who just went through association issues with Steve Kulls and should know better. I was also interested in seeing the BFF bashing, why hasn’t Paul Vella the head Admin at BFF made any commentary, WTF. Isn’t this such 10 year old mentality? I’m honestly beginning to believe that this Field of Interest is chock full of the childhood make believe that Bigfoot exists fantasy enthusiasts that the reality is; there are very few sane rational adults.

Then you have the opposite side of the spectrum, the JREF. The skeptics and the Meanies. Lots of bigtalk and little substance. Hey, if your going to throw out commentary, at least talk to the people you are going to trash. Join in the discussion at the Bigfootery discussion forums, at least make an effort to ask questions of the participants before throwing out snide and childish comments with no basis in fact. Wouldn’t it be grand if you actually took the time to thoughtfully present your skeptical view to the folks presenting the evidence and asked them questions, get the facts, make an informed decision before making a childish one. The JREF is no different than a believers forum when it comes to nastyness and the pushing of one’s belief off on others like it’s “The Word”.

It simply is easy to have an open honest debate without childish antics and the “he said/she said” or “he did this/she did this” crap that is being spewed by those who hold a grudge. This isn’t about people, this is about claims of evidence that has been put out for all (even those whom hate the people who put it out there) to study and decide for themselves what it is or isn’t.

Skookum Qwest is back.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


In the weeks to come I'll be reconstructing the original Skookum Qwest to the best of my ability. The original was hacked. This will be a work in progress. Please have patience.